How do the part and the whole, man-made things and the laws of nature, relate to each other? How does the local become global? There are patterns of networks and nature on five special maps.
The Geography of Twitter
How do the part and the whole, man-made things and the laws of nature, relate to each other? How does the local become global? There are patterns of networks and nature on five special maps.
The Geography of Twitter
Eric Fischer’s unique map examined the geographic reach of Twitter posts and shares. Fisher spent five months (March - October 2011) investigating and depicting about 13,599,000 twitter posts and sharing the connection on the world map.
Source: Eric Fischer, Flickr
The "brightness" of each curve is proportional to the number of tweets tweeted at a certain location, which appeals to someone at another location, which are divided into 20-mile squares. The more often people in different cities and geographical locations communicate, the clearer the curves become. In other words, the map shows how tweets are related in geographic space.
Communication moves clockwise from the person who sent the tweet to the recipient. For example, they twine from Los Angeles to New York, while the other starts and heads from New York to Europe or just Los Angeles. Under almost every curve is a twitter post that creates a circle of global connection.
The Connectivity of the Sun's Magnetic Field
Scientists at NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) used their computer models on August 10, 2018, to take a picture of the Sun’s magnetic field, showing a shape similarity to the previous map. The bright active region in the active middle of the Sun clearly shows the concentration of field lines. Magnetism controls the dynamic activity near the Sun’s surface, which is also important because fusion energy also originates from the power of the Sun, as China modeled in the case of the “artificial Sun”.
The Magnetic Gravitational Field of the Sun
Source: NASA, Lockheed Martin Solar Astrophysics Laboratory (LMSAL), Palo Alto, California
Geography of the Sea Currents - Van Gogh's Found Painting
You may know the story of the 28,000 rubber ducks that were dumped and set off in the ocean due to an accident only to discover the global conveyor belt and the directions of sea currents. However, this will be discussed in another more detailed post. Now if we take a closer look at the global ocean conveyor, sea currents (Europe’s Gulf Stream, which also affects Europe’s weather) we see that, as a law of nature, it moves as a spiral to form a whole, and this is depicted on a map as if it were a Van Gogh painting.
Sea Current of the Gulf
Source: Nasa
An animated version of this image can be viewed here:
The special feature of the Hologram
Or there is the hologram: The theory of the hologram was discovered by Dénes Gábor already in 1947 (16 years ahead of science and practice) and then only in 1963 he was able to create it in practice with the help of laser technology, for which he received the 1971 Nobel Prize. The special feature of the Hologram is that the density of information stored in it exceeds the density of information that can be stored in traditional computer memories by orders of magnitude, and the information can also be retrieved much faster. Simultaneously, a small detail of the hologram also contains all the information evenly distributed on the hologram. In everyday life, holograms can be found on security stickers and IDs as they are impossible to copy!
source: Shutterstock
As Gábor Dénes put it:
“I call the diffraction pattern a 'hologram' because it contains 'holos', that is, it contains everything.”
The Jewelry Box of Life
This unique "aerial view" could depict either Singapore or a detail of an Asian megapolis from above, but a special image by Evan Ingersoll and Gael McGill is part of the "Images from Science" series and the most detailed image of a human cell ever taken under a microscope.
Forrás: Evan Ingersoll és Gael McGill, 2020.
3D imaging of "eukaryotic" cells was modeled by researchers using X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryo-electron microscopy data. While it is not possible to simultaneously display the full complexity of a cell, it is an important step in visualizing the system of cell life.
Why is this important to us? Because, as the maps above show, man-made things and their patterns consciously or subconsciously follow the laws and patterns of nature, according to Tódor Kármán said:
"I have always been driven to make the principles of nature clear to others."
and just because
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
(Albert Einstein)
The author is the chairman of the board of trustees of the Pallas Athene Domus Meriti Foundation (PADME).