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Cofounder of our goal is to grow ultra unique projects to top tier levels by providing hands-on help

English2022. feb. 15.Harsányi Péter

The most attractive coins are ethereum, avalanche, solana and near protocol – told növekedé Jon Lee. According to the cofounder of BXV.CO venture building fund, one of the key drivers of these crypto coins is transaction speed. He added, they are are launching a cryptofund to seed crypto innovations. Capital investments are at seed levels often times before any Venture Capital company gets in, which also poses the highest risk and greatest return on investment.

In which cryptocurrency do you see currently the greatest upside potential? What are the key drivers?

I imagine investing in crypto, like investing in infrastructure and ecosystem.

The most attractive coins are ethereum, avalanche, solana and near protocol.

Basically, they are like infrastructure coins, they can build ecosystems.

One of the key drivers of these crypto coins is speed.

Blockchain technology are a payments game-changer. With blockchain transferring money, contracts, and files are significantly faster and the costs are considerably lower.

For example, Visa does about 1,700 transaction per second. Some of these blockchains can go up to 100 thousand or million transactions per second.

In your view, what are the biggest positive and negative risks in the cryptocurrency market?

The biggest positive is that this is the greatest wealth transfer we have ever seen, namely building a decentralized ecosystem versus a centralized ecosystem. That allows content creators to gain incentive versus traditional companies.

We are talking about Web 3.0. First of all, one has to understand what Web 2.0 is. Web 2.0 is the internet, like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. These companies basically own your content. You as a creator can make very little money and they own everything. 

Web 3.0 is the transitioning, where all the creators own all the content and there are no more middle companies.

The goal is to build as much decentralized asset as possible and go away from centralization. In light of that We create a trust network.

With big opportunities always comes great risk. The biggest negative risk for amateur investors is that they invest in so-called shitcoins, which can be very volatile. Sometimes inexperienced investors can lose all of their money with the wrong approach.

What is the most effective way to invest in cryptocurrencies?

There are two ways. The most effective way to invest in crypto is either through a centralized exchange - for example coinbase, binance, ftx - or a decentralized exchange, like uniswap, sushiswap, pancakeswap.

In case of decentralized exchanges, you have to remember your private keys. If you lose them, nobody can help you out. However, decentralized exchanges also give you the freedom to do whatever you want.

Centralized exchanges are much like a bank, they have insurance, financial products, liquidity and can recover your assets, however they hold your private keys. 

You are launching a crypto-fund. What are the guidelines for implementing the investment policy?

We are launching a cryptofund to seed crypto innovations.

Capital investments are at seed levels often times before any Venture Capital company gets in, which also poses the highest risk and greatest return on investment (ROI).

We aim to grow companies to their top tier level by providing ongoing technical and venture building resources in addition to capital. We also help companies for example through marketing, structure management or tokenomics. So, we actually hold their hands.

What are the yearly return and other goals of your fund?

Our goal is to find ultra unique and innovative projects.

This means we have to go around and do a lot of analysis and our team needs to understand a vision, before we invest. We are trying to reach the highest ROI possible. Returns just means we have successfully created value for the world. 

What is the diversification policy of your fund?

We are picking investments very selectively and continuously building out our portfolio. 

We basically touch all sectors of crypto. For example NFT Platforms and projects, defi, protocols, dapps decentralized finance on all the blockchains, distributed ledger Tech, Metaverse ecosystems, GameFi Projects or leverage trading are in our focus.

Through what sales channels will the managed assets be increased? What is the desired level of asset under management?

We acquire our customers with collaboration of funds and investors. We target assets under management of our BXV fund to reach 8-10 figures annually. 

What is the important difference between centralized and decentralized ecosystem?

People need to understand the difference between the two systems. Traditionally, if you put your money in a bank and the bank later defaults or makes bad investments, you can lose a significant part of your assets.

In contrast, with a decentralized ecosystem, nobody can touch your money. It doesn't even matter if you go to jail or the country goes to war, your money will be in your pocket. In addition, you can move your money across borders with less friction.

Crypto is a way toward a decentralized ecosystem.