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Cycles of history matter a lot for Britain

English2020. jan. 24.GOVERNOR MATOLCSY100WORDS

In a smart article, Philip Stephens argues for Realpolitik for post-Brexit Britain /FT, 20 December 2019/. Fully agreed, as far as foreign policy is concerned. Otherwise Britain can be the new global power in technology and finance.

One can argue that both areas were covered by the EU member United Kingdom. Not at all, due to the more than comfortable position of Britain within the European Union.

As for finance, London was the financial hub of the EU, no rivals and threats from inside.

Regarding technology, services provided by the British business sector faced no rivals from inside, hence innovations in new industrial technologies were not pushed strong enough.

Indeed, Britain seems to be again in 1940 /due to the 80ys cycle/, in 1970 /due to the 50ys cycle/ and in the 17th century /due to the rerun of the first 30ys war/. We cross our fingers for our friends.

Re “Realpolitik for post-Brexit Britain”

Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary

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