It is certainly true that Europe must invest in policy areas where it can deliver more value than member states acting alone /Jean Pisani-Ferry, FT, 4 December 2019/.
It is a safe bet that all new European endeavours need financing, in the lack of fresh money all would-be projects will be no more than day-dreaming and wishful thinking.
In the coming years, European politics will be green, focusing on the issues of long-term sustainability. No matter what it means, no matter what major programmes it will launch, it will need new funds.
A major overhaul of taxation within the EU is long overdue. All income-type taxes should be lowered and VAT-type taxes can be increased. Special and targeted taxes can be introduced to finance the transition to a long-term sustainable economy.
Re “The EU should take a bigger role in the provision of public goods”
Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary