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Hungarian National Bank to pay 250 billion dividend into the budget

English2021. ápr. 29.MTI

The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) will pay 250 billion forints in dividend to the budget from last year's 255.4 billion profit, MNB announced.

In addition to the support programs, the central bank will also contribute additional resources to help address the crisis and restart the economy. 

MNB also announced that the Board of Directors made the decision to transfer to the central budget almost all of the outstanding profit the bank made last year, taking into consideration the interests of the national economy and the level of central bank reserves accumulated from the profit of previous years. 

The central bank has been consistently profitable since 2013, and this is the fourth time that dividends have been paid since then. From its profit in 2015 and 2018, 50 billion was paid each year as dividend, while after 2019 the dividend was the same as this year, i.e. altogether, the central bank has paid a total of 600 billion forints into the budget in recent years.

MNB has provided resources to a wide range of economic actors through its targeted programs since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in early 2020, maintaining financial stability and continuously contributing to the management of the crisis. In 2020, about 5,900 billion forints in additional funds was pumped into the Hungarian economy through central bank programs. 

This year, as a result of the current decision on the dividend payment of 250 billion forints, this amount will increase by another 2,175 billion, the statement concludes.