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Matolcsy: No one will win cold war 2.0

English2020. júl. 1.GOVERNOR MATOLCSY100WORDS

John Thornhill is absolutely right in telling us that the dispute over Huawei is only a taste of things to come / FT, 16 June 2020/.

Nevertheless, a new cold war cannot be won by any of the two superpowers, because the very nature of this struggle is different from the three world wars of the last century, including cold war 1.0.

This time it seems to be a complex and multi-dimensional war mainly covering geopolitics, technologies and finance.

However, when it comes to the core of the conflict, it is a cultural war between a yin and a yang power. In all three conflicts of the 20th century yang powers destroyed each other, and finally one of them emerged as a winner. 

By contrast, yin and yang forces cannot destroy each other. Both can suffer and diminish, but both will re-emerge and win in the course of the 21st century.

Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary

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