I completely disagree with Rana Foroohar’s meme, that China also wants to decouple from US tech. /FT, 7 September 2020/ China is forced to do it, and this is only the reaction to the American decisions enforcing the decoupling of the G2 nations from each other.
America is really the home to the most cutting-edge technological innovations and up until now, there is no example of replacing a western innovative power with an eastern Asian innovative hub. Japan became a 5.0 social innovation hub; however, economically failed to do it. India is still far from being an innovation hub, the successful small tigers are really small to do the job, Korea seems to be close to this level, but again the scale is different.
Re “China wants to decouple from US tech, too”
Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary