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Taxi fares in Budapest will rise from May

English2022. ápr. 20.MTI

In Budapest, the initial charge for passenger transport will rise to 1,000, the kilometre charge to 400 and the per-minute charge to 100 forints from 9 May, if the proposal is approved by the General Assembly of Budapest next Wednesday, the Deputy Mayor General announced.

Ambrus Kiss said 

the change will mean a price increase of around 35 percent for consumers.

The deputy mayor explained that the extent of the price increase was justified as official taxi charges had not changed since 1 July 2018.

This sector is also subject to the rules of economics: if fuel is becoming more expensive and also core inflation figures are on the rise, there has to be some response to that,

he added. In addition, while in March 2020 - before the outbreak of the pandemic - the number of taxis in the capital was 6754, the latest figures show that there are only 5070 of them left.