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Matolcsy: Central bankers should talk less

English2020. jan. 29.GOVERNOR MATOLCSY100WORDS

Free exchange put a question mark behind the text /The Economist, October 26th 2019/. It was not needed. We should talk less, due to some hidden elements of central bankers’ lives.

We cannot talk about substance. We are not eligible to touch upon politics, taxation, exchange rates, the flaws of inflation targeting, demography or poverty.

We cannot talk about our human nature, emotions, values, family - it would be considered unprofessional.

We are also not allowed to talk seriously about the future. Central bankers are regarded much more influential than they are; talking about the future would be too much.

We can be green, as all of us should be.

Re “A little less conversation”

Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary

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