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Matolcsy: Netflix and V4

English2020. szept. 18.GOVERNOR MATOLCSY100WORDS

The Visegrad countries can learn a lot from the founder of Netflix, Reed Hastings. /Lunch with the FT, 5 September 2020/

We are still in a future challenger status and we badly need all the transformations within the European economy that Netflix achieved in Hollywood and worldwide.

V4 went global during the last 30 years, but we must aspire for world domination in niche markets instead of remaining local/regional players. We must follow the “no rule rules” strategy of Netflix, becoming “techies” and seeing the world in “numbers and algorithms”. We should embrace the smash-the-conventions culture and the libertarian spirit of Netflix.

Beyond keeping the political and social stability, we must let creativity flourish, where innovation trumps the need for consistency and safety.

Re “Reed Hastings: ‘Netflix is still in challenger status”

Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary

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