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The solution is at the middle

English2020. jan. 31.GOVERNOR MATOLCSY

Robin Harding joins forces with Keynes and others arguing against demographic decline /FT, 15 January 2020/. Right, well done – but where are the viable solutions?

At the root of demographic decline we can find the threat to the middle-class status of the would-be parents. In the developed world to have children, even one child, might deplete family resources, threatening the middle-class status of the whole family. In China and in some other emerging economies, the same is true due to the high costs of education and health.

There is one simple and viable solution for all these. Joining the middle class for a good part of the society should be through raising babies.

RE: “The costs of a declining population”

Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary

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