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First photos of new Hungarian weapons – developed and manufactured in Hungary

English2021. szept. 7.MTI, Növekedé

A Hungarian engineering team was commissioned a year and a half ago to revive the development of Hungarian tactical handguns. The first prototypes of the new Hungarian-developed weapons were first presented at the event in Kecskemét. The Hungarian Armed Forces will use the prototypes.

The development of handguns has resumed in Hungary, the government commissioner responsible for defence developments announced at the International Aviation Day and Military Technology Show in Kecskemét on Sunday.

Defence Minister Tibor Benkő and government commissioner responsible for defence development Gáspár Maróth reviewing the new weapons;

Gáspár Maróth said that a year and a half ago

Hungarian engineering team was commissioned to revive the development of Hungarian tactical handguns

The first prototypes of the new Hungarian-developed weapons were presented at the event in Kecskemét.


The government commissioner said that a co-operation agreement had already been reached under which

the Hungarian Armed Forces would start testing the prototypes.


Commander of the Hungarian Armed Forces Romulus Ruszin-Szendi said: 

Hungarian soldiers will have Hungarian weapons at last. 

The Brigadier-General said the prototypes were "more than promising" adding that they embody new innovation that "will propel Hungarian handgun production into the 21st century”. The commander emphasized that

the experienced soldiers of the Hungarian Armed Forces also take part in the development,

as they are constantly sending feedback to the factory for the engineers to use in their work. If experience proves that the weapons work as expected, the Hungarian Armed Forces will have Hungarian weapons, Romulus Ruszin-Szendi stated.


Gábor Bozó, CEO of Gestamen Kutatás Fejlesztés Zrt. explained that

the Hungarian-developed handgun family has six members, ranging from pistols to machine guns.


He emphasized that these are 100 percent Hungarian weapons and

each of them contains innovation that has been patented.

The CEO said that they look to the future with confidence, hoping that with the support of the Defence Minister and the Commander of the Hungarian Armed Forces, they will be able to continue the development in the long run. 

(Cover photo: