Szijjártó: new training support scheme for companies to start

English2020. nov. 3.Növekedé

A new training support scheme will be launched for companies implementing developments and investments in Hungary, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced on his Facebook page, reporting on the meeting of the Economic Cabinet.

Péter Szijjártó explained that if manufacturing companies invest at least five million euros (more than 1.8 billion forints) or service centres expand their workforce by at least 25 employees, the government will provide funding of five thousand euros per person (more than 1.8 million forints) for training and education programmes.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, a new era is beginning in the world economy, in which a huge competition has started to attract investments, Mr Szíjjártó wrote, and emphasized that Hungary is one of the winners of this new era, as the government is announcing new developments and investments in the country every day.

He added that these investments bring the most modern technologies to Hungary, so there is a need for continuous training of the Hungarian workforce.